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The way to a sustainable futureis cooperation with nature.


Αιολικά πάρκα και Φωτοβολταϊκά πάρκα ΑΕΙΜΗΧΑΝΟΣ


At AEIMICHANOS ENERGY M. LTD we use our extensive experience in photovoltaic systems to produce excellent results for our customers. With years of expert knowledge in the industry, our team is able to create customized renewable energy solutions that minimize costs and maximize sustainability for both homes and businesses with net-metering. Trust our proven knowledge and experience and together we will shape a future where energy efficiency is the rule, not the exception.

Personalized study: We carry out an assessment of your building and energy requirements, through an extensive autopsy on your premises and with a drone, providing you with a free photorealistic visualization of the PV you intend to build. Thus, we offer the ideal proposal based on your needs.

Licensing process: Our team which has detailed knowledge of the legislation on rooftop PV, takes care of the proper licensing of your project up to its activation.

Construction: Our experienced engineers and technicians implement your photovoltaic project with precision and skill according to the rules of art and science.

– Operation: Our commitment to you does not end at construction. We provide operational support whenever needed to maximize the performance of your system.

Trust us for the energy upgrading of your building, eliminate your energy costs for at least 25 years (according to legislation) and lead you to a greener & more sustainable future.

Do you have a project that you want to implement?


Personalized study | Licensing process | Construction | Operation

Saving Energy

Thermal Ιnsulation - Τhermo Ιnsulation | Heat Pumps | Energy Frames | Smart home Applications | Solar water Heater

Wind Farms

Study | Development | Licensing process | Construction | Operation

We accurately perform reliable techno-economic analysis and we prepare<br /> feasibility studies in any<br /> technical project

We offer support services and processing of banking techno-economic evaluation of investments in order to secure project financing

We offer open business consulting on specialized technical projects that require optimal planning and scheduling for their successful outcome